

FORBIDDING IS FORBIDDEN - Thirteen recipes for different disgusts
With an essay by Andrea Perin
Illustrations by Luca Bertolo

keywords: anthropology  - food culture – recipes book

Veronelli – the world-famous expert of food and wine – claimed also for his own science the libertarian 1968 motto -  "Forbidding is Forbidden"  and collected some recipes that, while considered real delicacies in some countries, are more or less disgusting for Western culture. After a seriocomic introduction about anthropophagy – the forbidden alimentary practice par excellence -   the book offer a number of real recipes based on unusual ingredients, such as mice, locusts, silkworms, dogs, cats, camels and dromedaries

This peculiar booklet, which has been sold out for years, is now republished in a new edition with original illustrations and an afterword by Andrea Perin about the new tastes and distastes of our globalised era.

Other books on food published by Elèuthera
Andrea Perin
Hunger Sharpens Wits. Good Cuisine in Hard Times