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book data sheet
Bunčuga, De Carlo

agosto 2018 - I ed. 2000
256 pp./ ill.
EAN 9788833020112
Conversations on Architecture and Freedom

As one of the most outstanding protagonists of the Italian architectural and urbanistic scene, in these deep convesations Giancarlo De Carlo (1919-2005) speaks us with passion and competence about his non-hierarchical idea of space, an idea he has put into practice through the projects he has realized inside and outside Italy. Moreover, he gives shape to that «tentative» approach, as he himself defines it, that has allowed him to deconstruct all those dogmatic languages and burocratic regulations which often curb the urban planning. A friend and a supporter of many of those intellectuals stranger to all the dogmatic approaches of the second half of the Nineties – Elio Vittorini, Italo Calvino, Vittorio Sereni, Cesare Pavese among others – De Carlo has been the first one to experiment partecipation as a preminent element in urban planning, that means the attention for the freedom of choice of citizens and, as a consequence, for the requests coming «from below», which has today become an important part of the more aware urban planning programs.

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Franco Bunčuga (Brescia 1949), after having studied as an architect in Venice with Giancarlo De Carlo, in the Eighties he has been professor at the Ecole Politechnique d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme of Algeri. Now back to Brescia, he currently teaches Art History in high school.
rassegna stampa
Thu 31 Aug 2017 - Area
L'architettura e la vita nel pensiero di Giancarlo De Carlo
Thu 30 Jun 2016 - Il Cittadino
Intervista a De Carlo l'architetto
Sat 18 Jun 2016 - Pagina 99
Le case dell'anarchia
Thu 04 Jun 2015 - L'Adige
Conversazioni su architettura e libertà
Tue 09 Dec 2014 - Il Manifesto
Conversazioni su architettura e libertà
Mon 17 Nov 2014 - La Sicilia
Quando De Carlo teorizzò il progetto tentativo
Fri 11 Jul 2014 - Internazionale
Conversazioni su architettura e libertà
Wed 02 Jul 2014 - Gazzetta di Parma
Conversazioni su architettura e libertà
Thu 26 Jun 2014 - Bresciaoggi
Conversazioni su architettura e libertà
De Carlo Conversazioni Indice e introduzione - pdf
De Carlo biografia professionale - pdf