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Novembre 2019 - I ed. 2012
A Moral for Everyday Life
Franco La Cecla e Piero Zanini

With its attention to the differences of customs and the importance of culture as a shared horizon of meaning, anthropology better grasps the richness of different approaches to the everyday life. The anthropological approach makes it possible to see how individuals and communities, including the most remote and conservative tribes, are constantly trying to transform their moral horizons. And even where it is dominated by religious or political "big ethics", there is often a far more flexible ethic of everyday life that takes into account the body's needs and mind's desires. In short, the "everyday"moral looks more like an aesthetic that ethics, or rather an art of living in which the whole is as important as its articulation.

Franco La Cecla has taught Cultural Anthropology at Berkeley, Paris, Venice, Bologna and Milan. He is the author of several essays about everyday culture – his previous books published by elèuthera are: Mente locale, Non è cosa, L'Ape, Saperci fare e Modi bruschi.

Piero Zanini is researcher at the Laboratoire d'Architecture/Anthropologie – Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture, Paris-La-Villette. His works include, I significati del confine, Lo stretto indispensabile (with Franco La Cecla) and a recent research on mountain culture – Rilievi alpini – presented and awarded at the Venice Architecture Biennale.

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