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An Exaggereted Idea of Freedom


“Freedom”, in the Western political thought, is a used and abused word. Perhaps because it lends itself to a thousand interpretations, including the weakest ones. But there is also a strong concept, indeed a very strong one, of freedom, a concept that is even “exaggerated”. According to Karl Popper, the exaggerated idea of freedom is anarchism. The anarchists do not think the same, rather considering it as its most complete and coherent expression. In this essential text, Berti exposes the classical anarchist thought in all its theoretical-practical bonds and in all its richness of forms: from the most radical individualism (Max Stirner, for example) to the most radical communism (Pëtr Kropotkin, for example). Just as it deserves an antidogmatic thought par excellence, precisely because it was born on the negation of the principle of authority.

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