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Van Aken


Van Aken

Mauro Van Aken winemaker for over a decade, is an associate professor in Cultural Anthropology at Università Milano-Bicocca. He's mainly involved in research and teaching on the topics of environmental cultures, the relationship and flux of meaning among society, water and atmosphere, and cultural dynamics in the climate crisis. Among his published essays in languages other than Italian are The hierarchy and experience of migration: Egyptian labourers in the Jordan Valley (2006), Anthropologie et eau(x): affaires globales, eaux locales et fluxes de cultures (2013), Antropología y agua(s), Cuestiones globales, aguas locales y ujo cultural (2017), and Gender and water in the Middle East. Local and global realities, with A. De Donato (in Water security across the gender divide, Springer, 2017).