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per un'antropologia dell'abitare

2015 - I ed 1993
prefazione di Paul K. Feyerabend
144 pp.libro + dvd
EAN 9788896904800
Local Mind
For an anthropology of dwelling

Foreword by Paul K. Feyerabend

Local mind is the ability common to all cultures and individuals to make sense of space, to create mental maps that allows humans to meaningfully live within space. It is a skill that we acquire, just like language, movement or music, which allows us to imagine and change the space we live in, to "use" it. Today, such continuous interaction between us and the environment is often reduced to mere consumption. And this in turn is further alienated by "experts of space": architects, politicians, bureaucrats. Though latent, the local mind is always ready to take advantage of any fissure of the bureaucratic system to reveal itself. It happened in Palermo with the "revolts of the courtyards", or in Terassini where fishermen project their space even across the Atlantic, "in other sea". But it is also an expression of the dreams of ubiquity we all today seem share.

Franco La Cecla, anthropologist and urban planner, has taught Cultural Anthropology in Berkeley, Paris, Venice, Bologna, and Milan.
Indice e prefazione - .pdf
Carpi, 3 ottobre 2015 - Seminare storie. Carpi e la cultura del cibo - Festa del racconto di Carpi